I am the Quantitative Research Officer for The Young Lives Research Hub on Climate Change and Environmental Shocks, based at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. I am also a PhD candidate in economics at Lancaster University Management School, with an expected end date of March 2025. My advisers are Catherine Porter and Saurabh Singhal.

My research interests are in early childhood development and skill formation, the socio-economic impacts of climate and environmental shocks, and the interaction between these two processes in low and middle income contexts. I am also interested in the role of social protection programmes in mitigating the long-term effects of early life shock exposure, as well as investigating interactions with ongoing armed conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic.

I have extensive teaching experience, including working as a Teaching Associate at Lancaster University, and have held visiting Researcher positions at GRADE in Lima, Peru (Profile) and at The Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. Prior to beginning my PhD I worked in the public sector as a Statistical Officer with the UK Office for National Statistics and as a Research Intern at the University of Aberdeen.

You can view my CV here.